In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
As everyone in the United States is well aware, Thanksgiving is coming up on Thursday. The tradition of Thanksgiving traces its roots back to a celebration by the residents of the Plymouth Bay Colony. In that meal that they famously shared with the native population of the area, they celebrated the blessings of God and offered their thanks to Him for preservation.
Today, many "historians" downplay the importance of God in that event, and our contemporaries mock the holiday or pervert it into nothing more than "Turkey Day" or a chance to get an early start on Christmas shopping. Even many who don't go that far look at it as nothing more than a chance for a family reunion, and never once give thought to the Creator. Still others acknowledge God and His blessings on that one day but fail to do so on any of the other 364 days of the year.These things ought not so to be.
If you'll allow me, I'd like to share with you some things that I'm thankful for, and I'd like to challenge you to reflect on the blessings in your life. Some of the things I reflect upon as blessings might very well surprise you, but I have a feeling that you'll find similar hidden blessings if you think about it enough.
1. Everyone God has placed in my path
Yes, that does say everyone. Like all of you, I'm thankful for family and friends that have loved me and been there for me through the hard times, but I'm also thankful for those who have betrayed me. How can I say that? I say that because their unfaithfulness only serves to magnify the faithfulness of God. I've learned that I can't always trust those that I think I can and that death will eventually take away those I truly can trust, but God is always present and ever faithful.
2. Everything I've faced: the good times and the bad
Again, it's easy to be thankful for the good times, and I'd be remiss if I didn't acknowledge the same. I love that when I feel the most disheartened, God gives me the shot in the arm that I need to continue. But difficulty is just as important in our lives. It is in the times of difficulty that we are reminded of our dependence on God and experience the sweetest doses of His grace. The grace of God more than makes up for any pain we suffer in the hard times.
3. The Bible
I'm getting into things that would be more expected in a post like this now, because almost every Christian would include God's word on his list. But, how many truly are thankful for it? Do you ever put it to use? We have so many more opportunities to study the Bible today. There are computer programs that can be downloaded for free, and you can easily install it on your phone or tablet. How often do you put it to use? How often do you show your thankfulness for it. I think at times we all fail there, either by not studying it or treating that study as a chore. God help us all to truly appreciate this incredible gift.
4. Jesus Christ and salvation
I'm combining these two because in a sense, they are one and the same. Salvation is found only in the work that Jesus Christ did on the cross, and to have Him is to have salvation. We all have accomplishments that we reflect on with joy, and others that we hope to one day achieve, "But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world." Nothing that you or I have ever done or ever will do is worth anything in the face of what Jesus has done for us. May God help us all to glory in His cross and reflect upon it with thanksgiving every day of our lives.
1 Thessalonians 5:18
As everyone in the United States is well aware, Thanksgiving is coming up on Thursday. The tradition of Thanksgiving traces its roots back to a celebration by the residents of the Plymouth Bay Colony. In that meal that they famously shared with the native population of the area, they celebrated the blessings of God and offered their thanks to Him for preservation.
Today, many "historians" downplay the importance of God in that event, and our contemporaries mock the holiday or pervert it into nothing more than "Turkey Day" or a chance to get an early start on Christmas shopping. Even many who don't go that far look at it as nothing more than a chance for a family reunion, and never once give thought to the Creator. Still others acknowledge God and His blessings on that one day but fail to do so on any of the other 364 days of the year.These things ought not so to be.
If you'll allow me, I'd like to share with you some things that I'm thankful for, and I'd like to challenge you to reflect on the blessings in your life. Some of the things I reflect upon as blessings might very well surprise you, but I have a feeling that you'll find similar hidden blessings if you think about it enough.
1. Everyone God has placed in my path
Yes, that does say everyone. Like all of you, I'm thankful for family and friends that have loved me and been there for me through the hard times, but I'm also thankful for those who have betrayed me. How can I say that? I say that because their unfaithfulness only serves to magnify the faithfulness of God. I've learned that I can't always trust those that I think I can and that death will eventually take away those I truly can trust, but God is always present and ever faithful.
2. Everything I've faced: the good times and the bad
Again, it's easy to be thankful for the good times, and I'd be remiss if I didn't acknowledge the same. I love that when I feel the most disheartened, God gives me the shot in the arm that I need to continue. But difficulty is just as important in our lives. It is in the times of difficulty that we are reminded of our dependence on God and experience the sweetest doses of His grace. The grace of God more than makes up for any pain we suffer in the hard times.
3. The Bible
I'm getting into things that would be more expected in a post like this now, because almost every Christian would include God's word on his list. But, how many truly are thankful for it? Do you ever put it to use? We have so many more opportunities to study the Bible today. There are computer programs that can be downloaded for free, and you can easily install it on your phone or tablet. How often do you put it to use? How often do you show your thankfulness for it. I think at times we all fail there, either by not studying it or treating that study as a chore. God help us all to truly appreciate this incredible gift.
4. Jesus Christ and salvation
I'm combining these two because in a sense, they are one and the same. Salvation is found only in the work that Jesus Christ did on the cross, and to have Him is to have salvation. We all have accomplishments that we reflect on with joy, and others that we hope to one day achieve, "But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world." Nothing that you or I have ever done or ever will do is worth anything in the face of what Jesus has done for us. May God help us all to glory in His cross and reflect upon it with thanksgiving every day of our lives.