14 January, 2016

The Test of Time

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
Hebrews 13:8

The truth given in today's text verse is one that many people try to ignore. That's not surprising since so many in our day want to live their lives doing things that are condemned by the word of God. But, although it pricks the hearts of unbelievers, it is quite possibly the ultimate comfort for believers out of all the promises found in the pages of scripture.

I know that's a big statement to make, because there are plenty of "major" promises in the Bible that we cherish. That said, I'm more than willing to stand by my comment, because in one sense, they all hang on this single statement. Yes, all things work together to them that love God, but how do we know that will always apply to us? Yes, God said that He would never leave us nor forsake us, but how do we know He won't change His mind? We know those things because we know He never changes.

We read the Bible, and we marvel over the miracles that we see and the great feats that servants of the Lord accomplished. We read the accounts of those events with amazement over the way that God used those men and women. But, while Hebrews 13:8 is a verse that is familiar to virtually all of us, and most of us could probably quote it in our sleep, I have my doubts that it has every really occurred to us what it actually means. I want you to stop and think about this for a moment: The God we serve is the same God that performed all of the miraculous works in the Bible.

I'm not going to say that God doesn't still perform miracles, because He certainly does. We've all seen Him move in wonderful ways, but I think we'd have to agree that He doesn't do things in exactly the same way that He once did. Because we now have His complete word, we no longer have the need for the sign gifts that were so prominent in Bible days. Even so, as the song above asks, "how could I ever doubt it, when mountains get too hard to climb?"

If God could do all of the things we read about in the Bible, what will we ever face that is too much of a challenge for Him? In fact, what will we ever face that is any kind of challenge to God? In Genesis 18:14 and Jeremiah 33:27, God asks if anything is too hard for Him. In neither instance is the question answered. It is the ultimate rhetorical question. To answer it almost seems ridiculous, because the answer is so obvious, but I'll answer it anyway: No!

Have you ever faced a challenge as large as a worldwide flood, a murderous bloodthirsty giant, the entire Philistine host making sport over you, a den of lions, or a fiery furnace? No? Well, if God could take care of Noah, David, Samson, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in those trials, don't you think He can take care of you in any situation you'll ever face considering the fact that He has never changed?

We frequently talk about people and things that have stood the test of time, but no one and nothing has ever done that as well as God, and never can. When is the last time you thanked God for the fact that He's never changed? When is the last time you considered the fact that you can trust in Him for everything and always will be able to? Praise God, He has stood the test of time!

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